Prophecy - Foretelling

Scripture Reading - Matthew 13:13-15 KJV

13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:
15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

Today we will speak briefly about “Prophecy”. Generally biblical “prophecy” can be thought of in four ways. 1st “Prophecy” is the spoken Word of God, 2ndly “Prophecy” is a prediction of an event, situation and/or circumstance that will happen in the future. 3rdly “Prophecy” is a gift from God and 4thly prophecy is a spirit. In this lesson we will focus on “prophecy” used as foretelling. This element of “prophecy” is generally used to distinguish the authenticity of God. Many people can say good things, and a lot of people can quote truth as found in the Holy Scriptures but it is quite impressive when you can predict what will happen in the future. As in today’s scripture the Lord will often speak of an event years in advance, so that when the event happens the Lord can boldly say, “I told you so”. “Prophecy” in this use always serves dual purposes the first is the glorification of God and secondly for preparation for man mentally, spiritually and physically. The first purpose can be seen when an authentic (pure, holy) Word of God is proclaimed before the event happens by a person on this earth that was used by God. Historically (Old and New Testament), the Lord likes using His Prophets because their office requires insight from God and they are graced to see future events that shall come to pass when they are in fellowship with God. When the prophets of God spoke the Word of God they were very quick to add the phrase, “Thus saith the Lord”. This term was not used lightly but reverently to point all attention to the Lord, not unto men. Generally, in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ (the New Testament) many people share God’s Holy Spirit so “prophecy” can be spoken forth by any of God’s children but is more commonly used by those called to the fulltime ministry. Our Precious Lord Jesus Christ and His holy apostles “prophesied” of things to come and spoke authoritatively in the Name of God. Remember with “prophecy” it is not just what you say but rather how you say it (In the Name of Lord) and did it come to pass. Foretelling is never to be confused with fortune telling because fortune telling is all about personal profit, whereas foretelling (or prophecy) is all about knowing what is coming so you can properly prepare for it which brings glory to God. Speaking of our second purpose knowing what is coming upon the earth will give you an extreme advantage over people without that knowledge. Although the information might not be life-threatening there are recorded cases where it was indeed life-threatening for many people involved. Remember, in Genesis 6 during the days of Noah the “prophecy” of the flood coming upon the earth in the future inspired Noah and his family to build the Ark which saved their life. In that case being close to God allowed Noah to hear God’s Voice (instructions, guidance, direction) which brought safety (salvation) to Noah and all his household (and certain animals too). Also, remember in Genesis 18 and 19 during the days of Abraham the knowledge of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah proved to be priceless to Lot and his daughter’s. Although his wife was not able to benefit from the “prophecy” it was still very real to everyone involved, including us today. We (ihlcc) would like to point out that many people in Sodom heard the “prophecy” but many of them chose not to believe it (Genesis 19:12-14). Thus, one must have ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying or they will never understand “prophecy” enough to take full advantage of the message. This is the reason unbelievers cannot benefit from “Godly Prophecy” because they refuse to believe in God. Since they don’t believe in God automatically they won’t believe in His Words. They are foolish enough to think that since they don’t believe in God that God’s Words will not affect them personally (mentally or physically). Of course, this is the sole reason many people are deceived and end-up in Hell. Is not the warning to, “Call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus to be saved or else you will suffer the punishment of hell” a simple prophecy? Yes, this simple “prophecy” is ignored by millions of people because it speaks of a future event. The problem is shallow people who live in darkness only live for today and because they have no light it is impossible for them to see into tomorrow. Therefore, they stumble in darkness because they can’t see the “prophecy” of Jesus Christ to Light their way. All of God’s Word is Light and “Godly Prophecy” is the shining forth of that Light into the future to light the Way (His Way) for God’s People. We (ihlcc) pray that all God’s children would take heed to “prophecy” and obey “God’s prophecy” because He is coming soon and we should all be ready to receive our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with all thanksgiving and praise. Amen!